The ICWC is pleased to sponsor a contest called the MST (Medium Speed Test) to help populate the CW bands with activity on Mondays and Tuesdays at the speed of 20-25wpm. The more activity heard on the CW bands the better chances we have to preserve them. The speed was chosen to appeal to more operators. We look forward to participation worldwide, especially among all the Council member organizations.

MST Rules

Times: Every Monday: 1300-1400Z and 1900-2000Z

Every Tuesday:  0300-0400Z

Code Speed: Please keep speeds at 20-25wpm and be willing to reduce your speed on request.

Power Levels: QRP (5W or less), LP (6W-100W), HP (Over 100W- maximum allowed for your station)

Frequencies: in KHZ. ICWC is following the bands plans of IARU.

160m: 1812-1828
80m: 3528-3550
40m: **See below for QRP frequency

7025-7040 in IARU region 1 (Europe, Africa, ME, North Asia)
7028-7050 in IARU region 2 (The Americas)
7015-7029 in IARU region 3 (S. Asia, E. Asia, Pacific)

20m: 14028-14050
15m: 21028-21050
10m: 28028-28050

**All IARU regions respect the QRP frequency of 7030 +/- 0.5khz where any running station (calling CQ) should be at 5 watts maximum

Exchange: Name and QSO serial number

Scoring: To be submitted to website without logs. Keep logs available in your station. For those unfamiliar with 3830scores, here is a link to a tutorial:

The final score can be calculated by counting 1 point per QSO (work a station once per band only) and multiplying total points by the number of unique callsigns worked. Example:

If you had 75 QSOs on all bands with 40 unique call signs, your score is 75 x 40 = 3000.

State which power class: QRP, LP, HP and check SO2R and/or remote operation if applicable.

N1MM UDC information (ICWC MST 2022 5-02) can be found here using this link:

Award Certificates

The Council will be pleased to issue Award Certificates at the end of each calendar year for 2 categories:

Category One Participation:

1 point is awarded for each MST you participate in.

Reward Levels:
Gold level: 100 points
Silver level: 70 points
Bronze level: 40 points

To request your reward, please click HERE and send us an email.

Here are the first certificates issued for 2022:




Category Two High Scorers:

High scoring certificates will be issued at the Gold (1st place), Silver (2nd place) and Bronze (3rd place), based on, in 3 categories:

High Power
Low Power

The Council will contact the high scorers and present the awards.

Here are the first certificates issued for 2022:

High Power

Low Power