Established 1971
QTH – Germany
Happy New Year Contest, Handtastenparty 80m, Handtastenparty 40m.
Encourage and maintain the use of Morse telegraphy in Amateur Radio. Intensive lobbying to achieve recognition of Telegraphy as a UNESCO-World Cultural Heritage. Attracting newcomers to the hobby by offering training with experienced Morse operators.
AGCW Telegramm: Mondays, 18.00–19.00 UTC, 3.563, AGCW QRS Net: Tuesdays 17:30-18:30 UTC, 3.556, AGCW YL CW Net: Tuesdays 18:00-20:00 UTC, 3.550
Established 1998
QTH Japan
Weekly On-Air Meetings and NETs, Club Contests, QSO Parties, Awarding, Online Lessons and Homebrewing Kits.
A1CLUB is a community of members who are interested in CW (Morse Code) communication and no membership fee is required. CW veterans and beginners are all welcome to enjoy all A1CLUB CW activities.
A1C OAM (On-Air Meeting), Saturday from 06:30JST (Friday 21:30Z) on 3520, 7025 and other.
A1NET (CW Chatting), Saturday from 19:30 JST (Saturday 10:30Z) on 3520, 7025.
WABUN (Japanese Morse Code) NET, Sunday from 07:00 JST (Friday 22:00Z) on 7021.
CFO Club
Established 1979
QTH – Online
User-friendly rag-chewing and we encourage home page fellowship.
The CFO is a group of CW Operators who enjoy the social aspects of ham radio. Membership is open to all and no membership fees are necessary. Rag Chewing is encouraged. The CFO is not a speed-orientated club and is open to all operators.
Cw Course of IK2YRT
Established 2021
QTH Italy
Online live training in Basic and Advanced Telegraphy with exam preparation to obtain an Italian radio amateur license.
Encourage the diffusion of radio and radiotelegraphy. Using video conference we offer basic and advanced telegraphy courses and courses for obtaining the Italian radio amateur license.
Established – 1985
QTH – Minas Gerais, Brazil
Contesting, DXing, DXpeditions
Spreading CW to keep the flame alive
592 active members in 118 countries on 6 continents
Established – 2010
QTH – Virginia
CWT contests, QSO parties, annual CW Open contest, training through our CW Academy, rag-chewing, awards program. We also fund a scholarship to support up-and-coming CW operators through their education.
The aim of CWops is to encourage and promote good quality CW operating on the air. We are inclusive and all forms of CW operating are supported whether rag-chewing, DX-ing or contesting, straight key, paddle, or bug, or even keyboard. We enthusiastically support anyone keen to become competent in CW. The CW Academy is a major element in our activities as well as members providing slower speed QSO and contest practice.
The only truly regular on-air gathering is the weekly CWT events at 1300, 1900z Wednesday and 0300, 0700z Thursday which attract large numbers of members and non-members.
Suggested frequencies to find other CWops members are based “on the 8’s”: 1.818, 3.528, 7.028, 10.118, 14.028, 18.078, 21.028, 24.908, and 28.028 MHz
CW QRS (Telegram Group)

QTH – Italy
Many Activities during the year. 2HSRC (2 Hours Sprint Rag Chewing Activity), Xmas Activity- some already planned and some surprises.
The purpose of the CW QRS Group is to promote the use of telegraphy. We start with Morse Code basic courses and gradually we lead young operators on the exciting paths to high speed telegraphy. Our motto is: “From QRS to QRQ”.
You can meet us every day around 7.034 and 3.554 Mhz.
CWSP - Grupo De CW De Sao Paulo
Established – 1976
QTH – São Paulo, Brazil
Our main activity is the SACW – South American CW Integration Contest, held on the third weekend of November. We also sponsor award programs BRCW and CWSP. Our club holds CW lessons for young students and beginners. We collaborate with CW operators within all states of Brazil and other CW groups worldwide.
The CWSP was created in 1976 with the aim of bringing together CW practitioners from the State of São Paulo and now promotes CW to all South American hams. CWSP holds CW classes and collaborates with the Scouts of Brazil. Our youngest member is a 12 year old YL Girl Scout (PU2PRM). CWSP won the international competition to be the manager of AX0LD – Macquarie Island, in 2000
Established – 2000
QTH – Ciudad Real Spain
EACWMeeting, Cervantes CW Contest, CW School for beginners.
EACW Spain is a group of CW enthusiasts the membership is free, we encourage the use of CW and promote some activities such as a CW School for beginners.
On-Air: every Thursday EACW Meeting from 19:00 to 20:00 UTC
Members 265
Essex CW Amateur Radio Club
Established – 2009
Weekly nets, CW training, club contests, annual CW boot camp and activity week.
Essex CW aims to encourage the use of CW on the amateur bands
On-Air: Club net (GX1FCW, South East Essex) Mondays from 1930 UK local time, 3542 kHz.
CW training (GB2CW), Mondays from 2015 UK local time, 3555 kHz.
QRS CW QSOs, Mondays from 2030 UK local time, 3555 kHz.
Club net, Sunday from 2000 UK local time, 144.060 MHz.
Members: 609
European CW Association, EUCW
Established – 1979
QTH – Online
The active part of EuCW is a network of local ECM i.e. European Communication Managers, one for each club. They organize the exchange of information, and they keep the link between the clubs. Some of the tools are an internal mailing list and a public web site. We help newcomers on our website, and we manage a single activity on air, i.e. the “Snakes and Ladders” game. It is not a contest, it’s a permanent activity fostering friendship and regular QSOs. Any QSO in this activity is at least 5 minutes long, i.e. no pileups, no contesting. The activity guides traffic to the upper end of the CW band which tends to be under pressure from intruders that fail to respect the IARU band plan.
EuCW is not a common CW club, it is an association of clubs. We do not have individuals as members but clubs. Clubs with more than 100 individual members are full members with voting rights in management decisions.
Permanent Activity Snakes & Ladders, preferably in the upper 10 kHz of all
CW-only bands according to the IARU Region I band plan.
30 European clubs

QTH – Online
Sales of QRP radio kits
The Four State QRP Group was formed to promote the operation and construction of low power amateur radio equipment. Incorporated as a non-profit organization, there are no dues for membership. Rather, operating expenses of the club are generated through sales of QRP radio kits, which are designed, kitted, and sold by club volunteers to fund our annual conference, OzarkCon, which is held in Branson, MO each April. Originally, the Four State QRP group was composed of members residing in the states of Arkansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Kansas. There is no regional requirement for membership though, and today, we proudly claim members from across the US and many DX countries. The original 4SQRP name has been retained due to its worldwide name recognition.
Wednesday night nets, 40m 7.122, 80m 3.564 and DMR tg31654
Big Brutus “Brutus Bash” annual
SSS Second Sunday Sprint
Ozarkcon annual convention
See 4SQRP.COM for details
First Class CW Operators' Club, FOC
Established – 1938
QTH – Online
FOC Marathon, QSO Parties, CW pile-up contest, Anniversary Challenge
Roots, history, and management in the UK. The First-Class CW Operators’ Club (FOC) promotes good CW (Morse code) operating, activity, friendship and socializing via its worldwide membership of approximately 500. Members are active on all HF bands and the character of the club is best expressed in its motto: “A man should keep his friendship in constant repair” – Samuel Johnson (1755).
Club Frequencies: 3525, 5373, 7025, 10120, 14025, 18080, 21025, 24905, 28025 and 50095kHz

QTH – UK (HQ) and Europe – North America – Down Under – East Asia. All online
A range of activities right across the year. The Ladder is four on-air periods over two days every month. Some have a competitive element and others are opportunities to get together on the air and even to chew the rag. Mechanical Key Days and Straight Key Days try out specific skills. Members offer scheduled contacts on the air with beginners and improvers at all levels.
Some would say, “Probably the best-known open-membership CW club in the world”
FISTS is an international club founded 35 years ago by Geo, G3ZQS. The club has chapters in North America, Down Under, and East Asia as well as its enthusiastic European group based in the UK. This club offers support and encouragement to learners and improvers as well as seasoned Morse operators. We share that enthusiasm with a wide-ranging membership: drawn from radio professionals and hobbyists, from those who were maritime Radio Officers and military telegraphists through to members who have been SWLs or licensed amateurs for many years or have quite recently discovered the joy of sending and receiving Morse code.
We have centres of activity from Top Band to 2m. That gives a focus for members to meet at any time, low bands, HF and VHF. FISTS encourages activity on all bands, on the WARC bands and non-WARC bands, too. The club runs a range of activities in every month of the year – some competitive and WARC bands only – and others promoting on-air activity and friendship. When you’ve worked a FISTS, you’ve worked a friend.
Over 20,000
French Telegraphic Club, CFT
Established – 2007
QTH – Belgium
CW Training
CFT provides CW training to all those who want it. Registration for the CFT is free.
7025, CW training, Tuesday evenings 2100 Paris time. 3.520, 7.020, 14.020, 21.020 mornings.
Grupo Portugues de CW

QTH – Portugal
QRS Radio Telegraphic Actions, The Walk of the Keys, Lusitano Contest, Boot camp activities, CW courses (Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced)
Bringing CW lovers together for preserving, learning, and promoting this skill. Creating and supporting activities that involve knowledge, use, and practice of CW. Teaching CW.
QRS Radio Telegraphic Actions (max speed 12 WPM / open to everyone) – Every Tuesday, 21:00h – 22:00h UTC (Winter time); 20:00h – 21:00h UTC (Summer time) on 3.525 – 3.535 MHz (80 m) and 7.025 – 7.035 MHz (40 m) / Meeting QRGs 3.528 MHZ and 7.028 MHz;
The Walk of the Keys (no speed limit / open to all Ops in Portugal – mainland and overseas) – Every first Thursday of the month, 21:00h – 23:00h Local Time, on GPCW Meeting Frequencies
Lusitano Contest – First Saturday in July, 09:00h – 13:00h UTC, on the 2, 10, 15, 20, 40 and 80 m bands, according to the IARU Region 1 Band Plan
Gathering frequencies – 1830 KHz, 3528 KHz, 7028 KHz, 10128 KHz, 14028 KHz, 18081 KHz, 21028 KHz, 24898 KHz, 28028 KHz, 50.098 MHz and 144.028 MHz.
International Independent CW Club, CQCW
Established – September 21, 2013
QTH – Russia, Anapa
CW lessons, diploma, and prize programs.
The main direction of the club is to develop new and promising ideas for the greater promotion of telegraphic communication. Our priority is to offer interesting projects in fulfillment of graduation shares of feasible rewards for the members’ performance at the expense of the club administration. Fascinating conditions, design, and availability of diplomas would further increase your interest in our exciting world of CW!
Keymen’s Club of Japan (KCJ)
Established – 1976
QTH – Japan, Tokushima Prefecture
KCJ Contest and KCJ Top Band Contest. KCJA (Keymen’s Century of Japan Award) and KCJCA (KCJ Contest Award). The Key (in Japanese) and KCJ Newsletter (in English). Exhibiting at the major ham fairs in Japan.
KCJ is the club of experienced people who know that Radio, especially CW, is one of their major favourites for whole their lives. We always try to improve our CW skills, and to be the best Amateurs.
Around 7018 kHz every Saturday from 00:00Z
K1USN Radio Club, K1USN
Established – 1996
QTH – USA, Braintree, Massachusetts
Contesting, instructing newcomers, VE exams, Museum Ships Weekend, Veteran’s Day observation, Nets, K1USN Slow Speed Contest (SST) twice weekly, mini-CW contests.
We began in 1996 onboard the USS Salem, heavy cruiser museum ship, located in Quincy, MA. After 2005, moved to present location at the former Watson Library in Braintree, MA. We currently have weekly gatherings at our Braintree club station and are active with several on the air activities including the twice weekly K1USN SST’s.
Weekly HF CW SST contest participation by members Monday @ 0000 UTC & Friday @ 2000 UTC. Also Friday night swap net @ 2000 local Eastern Time and Saturday morning rag chew net @ 0900 local Eastern Time on 145.39 (67 Hz) W1ATD repeater.
Over 400
Established – 2014
QTH – Online
Sharing our Ham activities on Twitter and generally cajoling each other into learning and using CW.
LIDS is a ‘virtual’ radio club collectively run by a community of amateur radio operators on Twitter. Not to be confused with ‘lids’ in the derogatory sense (although with a self-deprecating hat-tip in that direction) LIDS CW is all about encouraging amateur radio operators to try something new, especially if it is CW. We provide a Twitter and Telegram based spotting service to let LIDS CW members know when other, like-minded, and patient Operators are on air to help encourage them to overcome their fear and have a QSO.
Long Island CW Club
Established – 2018
QTH – Online
75 online classes per week. Classes for beginner, intermediate and advanced. Classes cover topics to include Sending, Copy, Rag-Chew, QSO Protocol, Live-QSO, Head Copy, and more! Our Presentation-Series covers topics to include Boat Anchors, QRP, SOTA, POTA, Contesting, Modern Technology, Antennas, DXpeditions, Satellites, Nostalgia, Keys, and more! We also have a program that teaches CW to kids.
Our club initially promoted CW in and around the New York metro area. However, we quickly found that there was a great demand to learn CW across the country and around the world. So, we began classes via video “Zoom” conference making our classrooms accessible world-wide. We also have many ‘brick and mortar’ events to include: QRP & POTA Outings, BBQs with Portable Ops, Fireboat Activations, Live-Stream Build-A-Thons, Museum Visits, Marconi Day participation and much, much more!
Our members are on the air regularly in support of events to encourage new CW operators. Most notably we support the K1USN SST Slow Speed CW Contest on Fridays and Sundays. We also participate in the Giving Back (GB) program introduced by CWops which is also backed by the International CW Council. With the Giving Back Program, every evening, there will be a few CW operators operating on the 40-meter band for up to an hour beginning at their local 7 PM (1900 local). These operators are ready willing and able to provide on-air coaching to anyone wishing to improve their CW skills.
Marconi Club ARI Loano
Established – 1988
QTH – Loano Italy
Worked Member Award, Annual sprints, QSO parties, CW School for beginners and telegraphy training to all.
The aim is to make our Club known to the new generations, and bring together all those who truly love and believe in telegraphy. The Marconi Club of ARI Loano was founded on May 8th 1988 by Libero I1YXN and Baldur DJ6SI. The Club is dedicated to all that use telegraphy mode in their radio contacts. We use the term “Marconista” in honor of Guglielmo Marconi. First President and founder of “Marconi Club” was Marquise Maria Cristina Marconi (Marconi’s wife who died on July 15th 1994). Membership is for life.
Club Frequencies: every day around 3564, 7029 kHz
Maritime Operators Radiotelegraphy Service (MORSE)
Established – 2017
QTH – Italy
The Service – Meet Morse
MORSE was created to encourage those interested in maritime radiotelegraphy to discuss and preserve its memories, especially from the point of view of maritime radio officers of the past.
Like a lighthouse in the middle of the sea, an operator from the MORSE Group will be guaranteed to listen and ready to QSO on Saturdays and Sundays, 07:30 to 08:30 UTC. , 06:00 to 07:00 UTC and 05:00 to 06:00 UTC.
Furthermore, during the weekdays, other operators will be available on the other frequencies. Please consult the table on the MORSE / SERVICE website.
Netherlands Telegraphy Club
Established – 2021
QTH – Culemborg, The Netherlands
Worked Member Award, Worked Dutch Prefixes, Monthly QSO party. Special Event station: The German AGCW celebrated their 50th anniversary in May 2021 where we participated with a special call PA50AGCW.
Via the club email address as listed at our website:
Club call PI4NTC. Our meeting frequencies are 3568, 7038 and 14068 kHz. Members of NTC are listed on the CW Club RBN
NZ Net
Established – 2019
QTH – New Zealand
Daily CW net, with traffic handling capability, covering New Zealand. Fortnightly e-newsletter (free subscription).
NZ Net is the national amateur radio net of Aotearoa New Zealand. The net’s purposes are:
* To encourage CW operation
* To provide training and experience in CW net operation
* To provide training and experience in CW message handling
Our free e-newsletter, NZ Net News, includes items of general interest to CW ops, and has a global readership.
NZ Net meets Mon-Fri at 2100 hours NZT (Mon-Fri at 0900 UTC Apr-Sep, 0800 UTC Oct-Mar) on 3535 kHz. This is a directed net, running at 25 wpm, but slowing when necessary to take a check-in. All CW operators are welcome, and formal traffic can be handled. NZ Net operators may be monitoring this frequency at other times also.
Approx 25 active members, plus many more listeners 🙂
North American QRP CW Club, NAQCC
Established – 2004
QTH – United States, Georgia
Monthly 2-hour sprint that runs at relatively low CW speeds. Three special annual sprints for 160-meter and QRPp operators as well as monthly Challenges. There is also an extensive awards program to recognize the significant QRP/CW accomplishments of our members. A monthly newsletter is filled with useful projects and news from fellow QRPers. Several local NAQCC Chapters offer opportunities to get together for in person socializing and QRP/CW activities. Portable operations are especially popular with the local chapters.
The North American QRP CW Club Inc., is organized exclusively to advance, promote, pursue designing, information sharing, building, and operation of low power Morse Code enabled Amateur Radio equipment with simple wire antennas for both emergency and personal communications purposes. No dues or membership fees – open to any licensed radio amateur or shortwave listener (SWL) worldwide with interest in CW/QRP operation. Encouraging the use of CW and helping all hams increase CW speed and proficiency is a top club priority.
10,905 members in 50 US States, 9 Canadian Provinces, and 102 Countries
Established – 2000
QTH – Romania
Activities – Awards program
Preservation and encouragement of the art of TELEGRAPHY communications.
QRP Amateur Radio Club International, QRP-ARCI
Established – 1961
QTH – Online
Seven contests a year, including a European contest, a Top Band contest, sprints and two QSO parties. For over 25 years QRP-ARCI has also sponsored the premier QRP event of the year, Four Days in May, the week of the Dayton Hamfest. We recently completed our first virtual Four Days in May event online, and hosted over 600 attendees, with 8 guest speakers and their presentations, and awarded over 50 door prizes.
We have a quarterly magazine dealing with QRP projects, events, and operating. Our website has an extensive awards section for members and non-members, including the coveted 1000 Mile Per Watt certificate and we have a nice toy store online where QRP-ARCI items can be purchased, and back issues of the QRP Quarterly can be obtained. Membership is for life.
Established – 2010
QTH – Russia, Krasnodar region
Contesting, Diplomas, 3-Days of CW activity in a competition format
Association of radio amateurs, which is interested in radio connection with the help of Morse code to satisfy their information, technical and cultural needs. Promote the work CW on the air in order to raise the operator’s skill of the radio amateur. Exchange in experience and information. Establishment of friendly contacts with similar organizations of the world. Participation in joint international radio amateur programs. Conducting of different events, directed to the popularization of work on the air CW (radio expeditions, conferences, contests, diploma programs, work with mass media. Canvassing-mass work with youth to involve them in radio amateur. Provide technical and informational help to beginners in radio amateur.
Meetings take place on 21048, 14048, 7028, 10128, 3528
SCAG, Scandinavian CW Activity Group
Date established – February 1974
QTH – Online
SCAG organizes Straight Key Day twice a year (winter and summer). We are also supporting and sponsoring the annual 12 month long competition “Scandinavia Open CW Activity”. The object is to have CW QSOs that last for at least 10 minutes. You log your QSOs on the SOCWA website over the year to collect points and build up your score. SCAG also supports Swedish High Speed CW Club (SMHSC) and hosts their website.
The Scandinavian CW Activity Group (SCAG) is an organization for radio amateurs with a common interest in amateur radio communication using telegraphy. SCAG is actively supporting and encouraging amateur radio telegraphy.
Member activity mainly centered around 3537 and 7037 kHz.
Established – 1995
QTH – Online Poland
Friends and the Members of SP-CW-C can be found on a regular basis on the QRG 3565 kHz. SP-CW-Contest
SP-CW-C was established by the editors and the publisher of – “THE QTC” – The Polish Amateur Radio Magazine, on the 1st of July 1995. The QTC Board from day one has been involved in this project. The members of SP-CW-C are Amateur Radio Operators including Short Waves Listeners – SWL, spread all over the world, who are capable of understanding Morse Code as well as being able to send messages by hand with the use of paddles or keys. The aim of SP-CW-C is to support those who are also willing to master these skills.
The SP-CW-C goals are:
Making the Morse Code heard on the air with substantive assistance to young, talented operators. To encourage the practice of code in organized
competitions – often in hard conditions and under time pressure. Running rankings and specialist competitions. Rewarding the operators
who take top places in these contests. Cooperation with similar associations and clubs worldwide is important.
Straight Key Century Club, SKCC
Established – 2006
QTH – USA, Maryland
Slow Speed Saunter, Weekday sprint, Weekday European Sprint, Weekend Sprintathon. Robust awards program.
The Straight Key Century Club is the most active group of mechanical-key Morse code radiotelegraph operators in the world. We have the thousands of members around the globe.
1.8135, 3.530, 3.550, 7.038, 7.055, 7.114, 10.120, 14.050, 14.114, 18.080, 21.050, 21.114, 24.910, 28.050, 50.090, 144.070 (MHz)
30 CW
Established – 2017
QTH – Online
30m QSO Party any day any time on 30m in CW near 101xx kHz where xx is the current date. Normal CQ calling, no awards. QSO should include honest RSN signal report, name, QTH. Full details of the exchange on our website
30CW aims to promote human CW QSO activity, giving meaningful signal reports, encouraging newcomers to CW and 30m and defending the interests of CW operators on 30m.
Daily centre of activity around 101xx kHz, where xx is the date. See for details.
Members 330
Tortugas CW Group
Established – 2013
QTH – Spain, Madrid
24-hour contest twice a year, CW courses, weekly event to get first-timers on the air. Expeditions to participate in competitions.
Information: Created to promote, teach, disseminate, and practice telegraphy. That is our spirit. 35 CW instructors.
7035, every Wednesday
Established – 1985
QTH – France
Our annual convention is generally scheduled end of April. Each year it takes place in a different location, to accommodate various OM to come from all over France. UFT organizes or sponsors several contests to include: UFT contest “Rencontres UFT” in December each year, EUCW 160m contest, OM/YL UFT contest and our Summer challenge.
There are two categories of members: Associate-Member and Full-Member. To become member, you must give the proof of full QSO with 5 UFT members. These QSO must be performed in French language. We have set some on-air gatherings to ease members QSO or allow members to be to get their sponsoring. UFT produces a quarterly bulletin “La Pioche”, available to members either in electronic or printed form. UFT is the official CW partner for REF (French national OM club), for EUCW, and the International CW council.
Monthly bulletin: first Thursday of the month, 3545 kHz, 21:00 Paris time. CVP “Club des Vieilles Pioches” (Old Hand Keys Club). Normally dedicated to hand keys, bugs and cooties, second Monday of the month, 3545 kHz, 21:00 (Paris time).
VK Radio Amateur Group

QTH – Australia
Morse Code Pangram practice sessions are updated 3 times a week. Plain text passages run at 10, 13, 15 & 18 WPM. We encourage and support members to get on the air as often as possible, including participation in fun/recreational CW activities such as SOTA, VKFF, and SIOTA.
VK Radio Amateur Group is dedicated to promoting the art of Morse Code generated by hand whether by using a straight key, side-swiper, or bug so that the operator develops his / her own unique fist.
Not at this time, however, working toward regular on-air events.